Domain brands: It’s that “C word” once again!

It’s no secret that domain brand owners have taken a rather slow approach to protecting their brands online, more than six months after the new gTLDs started popping out. Part of the first batch was the dot .Bike gTLD and it’s exactly that one that Emma Lenthall, partner with law firm Reed Smith, chose to […]

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Food for thought: British supermarkets at the mercy of ‘Cybersquatters’

An article over at The Grocer, an electronic publication for the British food producers, cites The Trademark Clearinghouse as the source of a rather bold statement. According to that source, Britain’s biggest supermarkets, such as Tesco, are at the mercy of ‘cybersquatters‘, who are setting forth to ravage every known gTLD. Jonathan Robinson, a TMCH […]

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Cybersquatting: Registering corporate brands in the .Domains gTLD

An eagle-eyed DNForum member noticed that there are several corporate brands in the domain industry, that are currently being squatted upon in the .Domains gTLD. The culprit: a Chinese national who went all out by registering the following domain names at GoDaddy: Meanwhile, someone else registered and is offering it for […]

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True Cybersquatter: GeorgeAlexanderLouis .com hits the Sedo chopping block

We must have awakened from a domainer dream. Just four days ago, domainer Luc Biggs proclaimed his plan to protect the domain name from “true cybersquatters”, in a guest post at Elliot’s Blog. The exact name of the future king of Britain was registered “with no clear goal in mind“, according to Luc Biggs, […]

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Father Domainicus: Anathema to the ‘True Cybersquatters’

Greetings and salutations, my fellow brothers and sisters in domaining. Today’s Sunday sermon is sponsored by His Eminence, Pope Francis. Many domain investors that support our Domain Church often ask me the following critical question: “Father Domainicus, what is the true essence of cybersquatting, and who are the true cybersquatters?” That is a fundamental question […]

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Cybersquatting on DNJournal?

DNJournal, Ron Jackson’s online publication was formed as an online source of domaining information many moons ago; in the early days of DNForum, Ron’s journalistic skills found an exciting new medium and market. Ron’s personality shines through in every transaction, including domain sales and social interaction with other domain investors. Ron covers almost every major […]

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‘Rolling Domainer’ magazine shocks domain investors with tasteless ‘Cybersquatter’ cover

The current issue of the “Rolling Domainer” magazine is taking the popular publication to new lows, after including the picture of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its cover. “I cannot believe what those damn liberals think they are doing with such crap,” said Fox 69 News anchorman and conservative radio jockey, Sonja Peters. “Promoting […]

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The Cordoba Caper: Sylvester Stallone sued over Expendables script

According to Reuters, Sylvester Stallone is accused in a lawsuit of copying another writer’s screenplay to make “The Expendables“, a movie about mercenaries hired to defeat a military dictator. Reuters continues: The lawsuit was filed in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday by writer Marcus Webb, who said the screenplay for “The Expendables” is “strikingly similar […]

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Father Domainicus: The Domain End is Near

My dearest domainer children, this is Father Domainicus and I welcome you to yet another Sunday sermon. This time, it’s so early that the birds are still asleep – all while the ever-busy domainers are still awake testing out keywords and analyzing PPC conversion charts. I know how you want to be successful and produce […]

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The Cybersquatter Stigma lives on!

As we’re about to cross into the second decade of the 21st century, if you think that the term “cybersquatter” is obsolete then think again. Obviously, the term is not used by the expanding community of domainers or those that stay on top of trends and events in the entrepreneurial sector. There are, however, some […]

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GoDaddy patents SquatFest for trading domains

Godaddy – the world’s largest domain registrar – has acquired yet another patent, thanks to the ingenuity of its President and CEO, Bob Parsons. Often cited for his extraordinary business skills, Bob Parsons announced the upcoming introduction of “SquatFest” – a controlled sale of trademark domains. “We thought that it’d be the best way for […]

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Another Golden Girl dead – IREIT has it all wrong

What’s going on these days with all the actors and celebrities passing away one after another? No, it’s not a conspiracy. First it was Gary Coleman – a funny child actor – then Dennis Hopper lost the fight with prostate cancer. And now Rue McClanahan, the adorable Blanche of the popular TV show, ‘Golden Girls’ […]

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