KF.org : Twenty year old domain saved from UDRP claiming rights to “KF”

Twenty years ago, the two letter domain KF.org was registered by Matthias Felger; little did he know, that his nickname would be challenged via the UDRP process. The Complainant is John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Inc. d/b/a Knight Foundation. They asserted that the domain KF.org represents the shortened variant of their domain, KnightFoundation.org, […]

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From the “scandal” department : Is Pheenix warehousing domains?

Domain aftermarket and auction platform, Pheenix, received a barrage of unsavory comments over at NamePros. Coming fresh from the drop of several of its satellite registrars, Pheenix appears to have angered a customer, who claims they are “warehousing customers’ expired domains.” The Pheenix customer is livid over the fact that his winning bid did not […]

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Chinese domain market report : Government seeks the full identity of China’s domainers

Chinese domain investors and common registrants alike, take notice: China’s government wants your real identity when registering domains. The world’s second largest economy has grown in strides, but socially it utilizes a flavor of “Communist Capitalism” that Westerners aren’t familiar with. And now, domain name registrations in China require the submission and verification of real […]

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Vitalik Buterin : Ethereum co-founder believes dot .COM domains are boring

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, has been a driving force in how cryptos are perceived outside of the geek circles. The frail looking 23 year old Russian co-created Ethereum, a decentralized mining network and software development platform, to overcome the restrictions imposed on Bitcoin. In August, Vitalik Buterin made a statement about the […]

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Watersoft.com UDRP : Respondent sought a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding

Registered in 1998, the domain Watersoft.com was challenged via the UDRP process. Complainant is Chandler Systems, Incorporated of Ashland, Ohio, a company that designs and manufactures water softener and treatment products under the name and mark WATERSOFT. According to the UDRP, the Complainant is the owner of a United States trademark registration for the trademark […]

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Non-com sightings : Dot .AWS plants the flag for Amazon!

Keeping track of non-com domains “in the wild” can be an entertaining and educational pastime; many such web sites are submitted by DomainGang visitors and readers. The latest one we received, is from domain investor and culinary wizard, Maxwell Arnold, who travels a lot between Canada, the US and Europe, both for business and pleasure. […]

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LALA.com UDRP ends with a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding for Apple

The domain LALA.com was challenged via the UDRP process, and Apple was on the receiving end. Registered in 1996, LALA.com belonged to La La Media, a company and service acquired by Apple. In recent years, it was only being used as a mail server, with no web presence, as Apple shut down the La La […]

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DEJ.com : How much is the all-Bitcoin sale worth now?

In August, Drew Rosener announced the all-Bitcoin sale of the three letter domain, DEJ.com. The deal involved no third parties, and no escrow: Drew handed over the domain once he received the Bitcoin. On that date, BTC was averaging $4,200 dollars, but right now it’s at $7,300 dollars, having been as high as $7,600 dollars. […]

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In real life : Rick Latona brokers IRL.com domain

Three letter domain acronyms with a variety of meanings are popular with investors and end-user buyers alike. Rick Latona is currently brokering the three letter domain, IRL.com. It can stand for “Ireland,” or as an acronym for “In Real Life.” According to the domain’s description at Latonas.com: Premium LLL.COM available for sale One of the […]

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MyResumeNow.com : Domainer-friendly law firm, ESQwire.com, beats UDRP

Bold Limited filed a UDRP against MyResumeNow.com – a domain registered in 2017. The Respondent was represented by ESQwire.com, and attorney Ari Goldberger. ESQwire.com is a premium sponsor of DomainGang. The Complainant asserted rights to the domain, based on the following trademarks: Complainant registered the RESUME-NOW mark (Reg. No. 4,687,640) on February 17, 2015, and […]

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Dot .NYC winners : Best of the Boroughs contest photos

In October, the Dot .NYC Registry organized a contest in New York City, titled Best of the Boroughs. The contest was designed to showcase the small businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs across New York’s 5 boroughs, that are prospering from the unique opportunities that a .NYC domain affords them. We now have photos from the award ceremony, […]

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Domain #crypto history : Who registered the domain Ethereum.com first?

The recent rise of cryptocurrencies includes Ethereum (ETH), operated by the Ethereum Foundation. Currently, Ethereum is a registered trademark, and we’ve seen activity by the Switzerland-based foundation, ranging from domain takedown via the UDRP, to opposing other trademark applications that contain “Ethereum.” While it’s true that the current registrant of Ethereum.com acquired the domain before […]

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