Kingscom : #Chinese trademark application filed without the matching .com

A China-based producer of tea has filed a trademark application at the USPTO, seeking the registration of the stylized mark KINGSCOM. The mark consists of a stylized word “Kingscom” within a lengthened circle. According to the application, the mark is intended to cover the categories of candies; Honey; Sugar; Tea; Cereal-based snack food; Fondants; Propolis […]

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Chinese domain market report : is the Great Firewall of China going down soon?

Luo Fuhe, a Chinese official, said that the “Great Firewall” of China blocking western web sites, is too restrictive and hinders economic progress, discouraging foreign investments. It’s a rare demonstration of opposing the Chinese government policy, and one of two things might happen: Mr. Luo Fuhe might be reprimanded for disrespecting the party’s position, or […]

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Chinese domain market report : Big Brother a reality in China

The Chinese government continues to push with its plans to roll out ranking for people, based on their online activities. No longer just a measurement of credit worthiness, the social credit system is now scanning the online activities of Chinese citizens on social media and even online merchants. Big Brother is therefore one step away […]

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Father Domainicus : The Internyet era is about to begin

Greetings and salutations, my domainer brothers and sisters; this is Father Domainicus, on a fine yet smoldering hot Sunday afternoon. Many a domain investor have asked me recently, Father Domainicus, what is going on with ICANN and the end of the United States’ God-given authority on the Internet? Without a doubt ICANN, a US-based non-profit, […]

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Chinese domain market report : We didn’t hack the FDIC

Chinese hackers are allegedly targeting US corporations and even the FDIC. According to a report filed by a US congressional committee, China is behind hacking attacks against the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp in 2010, 2011 and 2013. Naturally, Chinese officials opposed to and denied such allegations, stating: “We have repeatedly said that whoever puts forward […]

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Chinese Cybersquatter plays the “great firewall” card in massive Facebook UDRP

By violating a famous brand’s trademarks, one has to be extremely creative in defending their deed. In the case of a Chinese domain registrant who registered a bunch of Instagram domain typos, the argument was rather weak. Facebook and its daughter company, Instagram, filed a UDRP at the WIPO, for the following domains: […]

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Chinese domain sales : Drunk as a monkey for the week

The Chinese stock market is closed for the week-long celebrations of the Year of the Monkey. As such, domain sales activity has slowed down to a painful trickle. To compensate for this lack of Chinese domain sales here’s a quick Chinese joke: “Three Chinese brothers, Bu, Chu, and Fu, wanted to illegally live in America. […]

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Chinese registrant of .CLUB domains attempts to rationalize Cybersquatting in UDRP

The Chinese registrant of dot .CLUB domains that match famous trademarks or corporate names, attempted to define alternate meanings, using the Chinese language. That very “clever” approach of an apparent cybersquatter was presented in a UDRP for the domain names Stregis.Club, Westin.Club and WHotels.Club. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., Sheraton International IP, LLC, Westin […]

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Greg Ricks sells for $54,000 on little known Chinese auction site

Greg Ricks – former owner of – is a no-nonsense entrepreneur. His first domain name,, was registered in 1996 and from there business flourished as he acquired ultra-generic Known for his authoritarian ruling of, the once self-proclaimed “deposed dictator” is in real life a Texan with a great sense of humor […]

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Special Report: The Chinese conspiracy over the .CN domains

As of January 6th, China Internet Network Information Center (CINIC) requires .CN registrars to suspend new registrations for .CN domain names, unless the registrants maintain a valid presence in mainland China. Very few domainers are aware of the real motives behind this move. Originally, some domainers thought it was in order to control the quality […]

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