Another VERYL video: An introduction to 4-letter .com domains

If you wanted to learn the fundamental basics of how valuable four letter (LLLL) .com domain names can be, VERYL (pronounced VERY-L) has created yet another short, educating video, following the release of their video about LLL .com domains. Most domain investors are aware of the branding potential of 4-letter .com domain names. Many LLLL […]

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Chinese investors have registered all LLLL .ai domains using AI

The .ai namespace is getting smaller, after Chinese domain investors raided all remaining LLLL .ai domains. Beginning Friday evening, more than 450,000 LLLL .ai domain names were registered, spanning the so called “Chinese letters” groups and extending to the full namespace. There are zero LLLL .ai domains left today. “This is a clear indication of […]

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Sedo: LLLL .com auction results topped by at $7,799 dollars

Sedo, our premium sponsors, held a week-long auction of four letter (LLLL) .com domain names. The auction involved almost 400 domains that were priced with a $99 dollar reserve. This has to be the best-performing auction at Sedo in a long time, as all four letter .com domains listed for sale at the auction were […]

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Monkey Pox domains just lost their window of opportunity

You’ve gotta strike while the iron is hot, they say; domain names that are derived from current news have a limited amount of time to remain relevant. Monkey pox is a viral disease (zoonosis) that rose as a potential pandemic a year ago, before being renamed to mpox. At the time, we noted the availability […]

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Ragazzo Greciano : LLLL .com not dead, #Chinese buyers coming back from LLLLL and LLLLLL

The last report by Ragazzo Greciano, the prolific domain analysis expert from Napoli, Italy, was about his single and two letter .com marketplace. Greciano’s SuperLiquid Domains Report, uses High Tech Domain Analytic Heuristics (HTAH) to perform live analysis on domain sales; the busy domain analyst is enthusiastic about the future of four letter .com domains. […]

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#LLLL : Four letter .com #domains are still being stolen

The four letter domain marketplace might have gone south, but domain theft involving such assets still persists. A new incident involving domains registered with Namesilo has been shared at NamePros: Yesterday, I was checking domain list in my namesilo account. Found that my’s were missing. Immediately I’ve sent mail to namesilo and got a […]

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RIP : Chinese LLLL .CN #domain slaughterhouse

It’s not only the LLLL .com “Chinese premium” domain market that has crashed, but its .CN counterpart as well. Even though the LLLL .com market peaked years ago, the Chinese domain traders continued to move money into LLLL .CN, perhaps in an effort to replicate the international success of “Chinese chips” in the .COM TLD. […]

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The #Sedo auction of LLLL .com #domain names is ending soon!

Sedo, a DomainGang sponsor, is running a four letter .com (LLLL) domain auction, that ends in two days. Short domain names, such as those, are sought after by companies and investors alike. There are different grades of LLLL .com domain names, and as market prices for the “Chinese letter” premiums are well below their all-time […]

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#Chinese domain names : Chips are down, way down

Domain chips are down, way down. Maybe it’s the tariffs Donald Trump imposed on China, or the crashed crypto market, but Chinese letter “Chip” domains are trading at a fraction of their valuation a year ago. Recent domain sales of such LLLL .com domains reveal this alarming pattern: – sold for $861 at NameJet […]

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Future Media Architects : Short #domain selling in 2017 and the #Chinese market

As we’re bidding farewell to 2017, it’s evident that short domains lost the appeal sustained throughout 2015/2016 and prices dropped. Despite fears of a complete meltdown, pricing of the quintessential, Chinese-favored variety – LLLL .com’s with no vowels or the letter “V” – stabilized this year. We currently see prices around the $1,000 dollar mark […]

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Chinese domain market report : Sales volume going “nukular”

China is flexing its muscles to North Korea, all while an armada of US ships prepares for joint naval drills with South Korea off the coast. The world is turning mad, and it’d take one madman at the helm to bring the world close to a global nuclear holocaust. Last time this happened, Russia was […]

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Chinese domain market report: Zhou Youguang, father of pinyin, dead at 111

Zhou Youguang, the creator of the Chinese pinyin system, passed away in Beijing at the age of 111. Zhou was an economics professor in Shanghai, when the government asked him to to quit his job and join a national committee to develop a new alphabetic writing system. By 1958, Zhou and his colleagues had created […]

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