#Wuhan coronavirus spreading through bad quality .CN #domains

The deadly Wuhan coronavirus is spreading in China, thanks to bad quality .CN domain names. Chung Pong Wu, chief epidemiologist of the Chinese Party, shared his findings today, at the regular Communist Party meeting: “Wuhan coronavirus bad, very very bad. If need help, see doctor. Drink water lot. Information, no register .CN domain with letter […]

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#Domains and trademarks : IP theft rampant in #China

A recent decision against the registrant of the domain AirBNBChina.com serves as a reminder of copyright and trademark violations in China. Intellectual property theft is rampant in China, where trademark registrations by foreign companies must follow the “first to file” Chinese law. Unlike Western trademark offices, where the filing entity must provide proof of “first […]

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RIP : Chinese LLLL .CN #domain slaughterhouse

It’s not only the LLLL .com “Chinese premium” domain market that has crashed, but its .CN counterpart as well. Even though the LLLL .com market peaked years ago, the Chinese domain traders continued to move money into LLLL .CN, perhaps in an effort to replicate the international success of “Chinese chips” in the .COM TLD. […]

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Chinese domain market report : Stability or plateau?

The Chinese domain market witnessed a rebound from last year’s doldrums, during the first quarter of 2017. Ending 2016 on a whimper, instead of a bang as it did in 2015, the falling prices of Chinese “premium letters” of the “Chip” variety raised fears of a crashing market. Chinese domain investors playing the dangerous flipping […]

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Chinese domain market report : Chips back “en vogue” in China

Despite a drop in the sales volume, and a substantial loss in value since the end of 2015, Chinese domain investors maintain a strong interest in domain chips. Not just any domain “Chips” but .CN chips in particular. Chinese domain “chips” are four letter .CN domains, that contain the following letters: B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,W,X,Y,Z According to many […]

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Chinese domain market report : Massive LLLL .com list on a quiet Monday

The World Domain Conference that took place in China a few weeks ago, appears to have affected Chinese domain sales, quite positively. After weeks of stagnant daily lists echoing the lack of sales activity, today’s list combines a massive sale of LLLL .com domains, and the one we forgot to post yesterday. While it’s two […]

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CNNIC : Best choice for kicking off the Chinese domain market

CNNIC, a Chinese domain registry with 18 years of operational experience in China, was actively present at NamesCon 2016. The company cooperates with over 100 domain registrars and thousands of domain resellers; it has achieved over 15 million .CN and .δΈ­εœ‹ (China in traditional Chinese characters, DNS name xn--fiqz9s) domain names. We found the CNNIC […]

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Chinese Domain Market update: DJ, ZTN, YM and more short domains

The Chinese domain market has been consistent in recent months; dozens of short, memorable .CN or .COM domains – letter or numerics – are being sold to domain investors in China. At the same time, Chinese domainers are flipping such domain names among their peers, and we keep track of such changes. Here’s the update […]

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China gone wild: .CN registrations to surpass that of .Com

The Tech In Asia technology publication reveals that Tencent, the Chinese giant behind the QQ social network, partnered with CNNIC – the .CN Registry. The reason, was revealed yesterday, when tens of thousands of numeric .CN domains in the six digit range were registered – those that were still available, that is. Since QQ numbers […]

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Chinese domain registry recalls Fake Domains

The Chinese domain Registry, ChinaNet has recalled a “substantial number” of counterfeit .CN domain names, according to China Daily News. “This morning ChinaNet in cooperation with police identified and recalled more than five hundred thousand counterfeit .CN domain names”, said Lee Yo, spokesperson for ChinaNet. “Most of the domains were produced in sweatshops in the […]

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The Great Firewall of China: What offer letters about .cn domains mean

The following email was sent to a domainer and was posted at DNForum. While slightly believable by some, it entails a method of psychological warfare well-practiced by car salesmen, in order to convince the email recipient that somehow their brand is in imminent danger. Dear Sir/Madam I’m sorry to disturb you so abrupt. We are […]

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