Premium domain name received a seven figure offer is an ultra-premium, aged domain name registered in 1994. The domain has been in the possession of domain investor Thorsten Borsch, seller of According to Mr. Borsch, has just received an offer in the low seven figures. He’s taking the pulse of the domain community, and beyond, by asking how much the […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Seller gets questioned about value, raises price

The registrant and seller of the domain name received some undue resistance by a potential buyer, internet entrepreneur, Reilly Chase. Chase asserts to have built—now—into a SaaS services provider that has generated $7 million dollars in revenue. There are no references to the net profits, however it should be sufficient leftover to […]

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SquadHelp training several AI buyer personas

SquadHelp is thinking outside the box, with fresh ideas expanding its domain marketplace. After introducing AI-written summaries for domains parked with the platform, SquadHelp is now eager to roll out yet another AI-driven feature. According to a fresh tweet from CEO Darpan Munjal, SquadHelp is training multiple AI agents to help evaluate domains, using several […]

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Domain name value: Use in culture and in commerce establishes it

Domain name value is not simply a matter of metrics or specific characteristics of the domain itself. Simply put, while .com domains, short domains, and dictionary domains all hold “de facto” or intrinsic value, the domain itself needs further validation of its value. How is that achieved? According to domain investor Andrew Rosener who stakes […]

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Rest in peace, Alexa was founded as an independent company in 1996 and acquired by Amazon in 1999 for $250 million dollars in stock. At its peak, Alexa provided web traffic data, global rankings, and other information for more than 30 million websites. More than 400 million people visited every month. Amazon announced […]

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#Domain valuation metrics : Jeff Gabriel on the Forbes Business Council co-founder, Jeff Gabriel, lays out the foundation of domain valuation metrics for the masses. In an article hosted by the Forbes Business Council organization, the veteran domain broker identifies six key parameters that define a domain name’s value: Extension Length Universal keyword Spelling Market trends Comparable sales Want to make a wise decision when […]

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Mike Mann : #GoDaddy appraisal “scambot” failed #domain evaluation test

Domain entrepreneur, Mike Mann, is not a stranger to controversial statements. The hyperactive green tea fan assumed the Domain King title a while back, something that NamePros members refused to accept. It all started with a misquoted newspaper article, by the Washington Post, as some domainers will recall. Mike’s a busy domain investor, however, and […]

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Photos from #MERGE! 2018 – #Domain valuation experts on the current market

MERGE! 2018 in Orlando, Florida, continued on Monday with its extended schedule on domain names, content creation, and blockchain applications. One of the sessions we attended, featured domain industry experts sharing information on current domain valuation trends. Lance Wolak, founder of ExcelStrategy, coordinated the discussion, with panel experts Joe Styler (GoDaddy) Dave Evanson (Sedo) Ron […]

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#Estibot : New beta version of #domain #valuation tools looks awesome!

Estibot is widely referenced among domain investors for its domain valuation tool, which has improved over the years. While automated domain pricing tools aren’t perfect, Estibot is constantly adjusting its value assessment algorithms. It seems that it was about time for some visual improvements as well; a beta version of Estibot includes new brand colors, […]

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Markmonitor : Corporate guide to acquiring domain names

A white paper by Markmonitor reveals the recommended corporate approach to domain name acquisition. Titled, “Assessing the Value of a Domain,” this white paper attempts to define the necessary steps, in order to acquire domains necessary to one’s brand strategy. “Have you ever wanted to register a domain only to find that it is already […]

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Domainer chutzpah : Give me $50 to give you a domain price quote

When it comes down to responding to domain inquiries, nothing beats the requirement of a $19 dollar payment. At least, Telepathy has all this streamlined and automated, and it possesses a top notch domain portfolio. An unnamed domain owner is now seeking to cash in on this trend, asking for $50 dollars per price […]

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Is this domain name worth $15,000,000 dollars?

How is a domain’s value calculated? That’s the million dollar question every savvy domain investor ponders over, at least once a day! Quite often, it’s not the domain itself that defines its value, but rather, how it’s being used. In the case of a domain name that paraded itself in social media and television networks, […]

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