The Organist: Audio list of 1,000 unregistered domain names

Since 2000, Brian McMullen has put together a list of unregistered domain names, called “Still Not Dotcoms.” In a 40-minute long podcast, Brian recites his epic catalog of unclaimed URLs, along with information about his domain project. The latest edition, published in September 2017, continues the 17 year old tradition, with 1,000 unregistered domain names. […]

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Sedo gems: The worst domain name ever auctioned – in your life!

There are domains, and there are sucky domains. To find out if your domains are real turkeys, check out our Thanksgiving special. Something tells us that no matter how bad is your domain, it’s still not the worst domain ever auctioned. That title goes to a domain placed for sale at Sedo, which is strange, […]

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Corporate domains : is a two-digit domain owned by Intel corporation

Tech giant, Intel, acquired the two digit domain,, a few years ago. According to Namebio, Intel paid $25,000 dollars in 2011 to get, a domain signifying the basis of all things digital: zero and one. What is being used for? Here’s what Intel says: is where we pull together open source […]

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Nine ways to Thanksgiving : Is your domain name a real turkey?

Happy Thanksgiving. Today marks the official beginning of the Holiday Season, and domain investors will soon be shopping for hot deals across the Internet, or fighting at retail stores to get the latest TV sets and games consoles. Going shopping for presents requires one thing: making more money than what you spend. Domain renewals can […]

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HyphBot : How Adform discovered the ad scam botnet

Hyphbot is a bot network that generated more than $500,000 dollars a day, by forwarding traffic to its money-making videos. The network faked the originating source of traffic, making advertisers believe they were buying traffic from legitimate resources on major networks. Traffic fraud costs billions of dollars to advertisers every year, and HyphBot is one […]

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Corporate crime: Don’t fire your employee before you secure your domain assets

A domain was reported stolen at GoDaddy, after a company’s former employee took control of it and changed the password and even the account’s PIN. The distraught business owner, shared his plight on the GoDaddy support forum: I own a business with my family name and As well as a work email and website. An […]

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GoDaddy: Latest auction changes unrelated to Rick Schwartz’s tweets

GoDaddy implemented a series of changes to its domain auctions, a day after a series of tweets by Rick Schwartz rocked the domain industry’s foundation. Effective December 4th, GoDaddy will treat domain auctions as irreversible; their registrants will no longer be able to game the system to get free appraisals, and then renew the domains […]

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HyphBot : Ad scam used 34,000 domains to reap $500,000 dollars daily

A sophisticated scam involving 34,000 domains reaped up to $500,000 dollars in advertiser’s traffic, a day! Bot traffic driven by cybercriminals created more than a million URLs, in an attempt to fool advertisers into buying ad traffic that supposedly originated from big publishers. This technique is called “domain spoofing,” and the bot traffic was then […]

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Donuts Platinum Domains: Interview with Matt Overman

Donuts, Inc. is the biggest operator in the new gTLD namespace, with 238 gTLDs in their domain portfolio. We interviewed Matt Overman, VP and GM of Aftermarket and Premium domains for Donuts, Inc. The main focus of this interview: Donuts Platinum Domains. DomainGang: Matt, what are the Donuts Platinum Domains; give us some more details, […]

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After 16 years, is lost in a UDRP, a domain registered in 2001, changed hands via the UDRP process. The Complainant is Maurice Mizrahi / Mizco International, Inc. They operate a battery and assorted electronics business, from the domain That domain was registered in 1998. In 2000, the Complainant filed a trademark application for DIGIPOWER, which was registered with the USPTO […]

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Rick Schwartz : I am the new owner of

Rick Schwartz announced that he’s the new owner of the domain The Domain King became furious by the method that GoDaddy uses to auction expired domain names; even after payment, the auction’s result can be voided, and funds are returned. But what about the time one spent, researching and bidding up a storm? Said […]

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Zimbabwean Mnangagwa : Dot .com domain of “no use,” says seller

Emmerson Mnangagwa is the up and coming next president of Zimbabwe, after Robert Mugabe’s arrest following a coup d’etat. Mnangagwa apparently has been chasing the presidential spot for some time, and the right time arrived; the 93 year old Mugabe is far too old and weak politically. Someone went ahead and registered the domain […]

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