Two iconic videos : Frank Schilling and Jeff Gabriel talk about #domain names

Frank Schilling, CEO, and Jeff Gabriel, director of sales, talked about their company – Domain Name Sales – in 2013. The two iconic videos were shared by DNS exactly 7 years ago, April 2013 – before it became Uniregistry. In these videos, Frank Schilling shares the first domain he ever registered:, a typo. What […]

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Uniregistry lays out its presentation schedule for NamesCon 2017

The Uniregistry / Domain Name Salesย  team will be attending NamesCon 2017 in Las Vegas, and they would like to speak to other participants. You can now set up an appointment, and with an estimated 1,400 attendees it looks like it’ll be a busy domain conference. What is the presentation schedule for Uniregistry during NamesCon? […]

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Domain Name Sales is now part of Uniregistry

Happy Black Friday. Uniregistry has announced that the much-anticipated fusion of the Domain Name Sales platform with Uniregistry has been completed. The combined domain venue is now being tested internally, and the transition will be announced officially during NamesCon 2016. As the notification email explains: “Thanks for your patience as we’ve been migrating DNS inside […]

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DomainNameSales to go “dark” tomorrow

Uniregistry and Domain Name Sales are in the works of fusing their respective marketplaces; the celestial “collision” is slated to occur in January. There is, however, some preliminary work to be done, that requires a little bit of down time. Due to this, Domain Name Sales will go “dark” tomorrow for several hours, and into […]

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Domain Name Sales glitch hints of upcoming ‘Payment Plan’ service

An apparent glitch at Domain Name Sales that resulted in notices of “payment plan” availability in active, DNS-brokered sales, accidentally exposed an upcoming service. The glitch sent out no email notices to existing buyers, it merely appeared as a notice to the domain owners for certain transactions. Just a few months away from its December […]

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Uniregistry and InternetTraffic are merging in December

Uniregistry is ending months of speculation about the date of merging services with InternetTraffic, the PPC branch of the company. For the past several months, the two companies are working hard towards integrating the two consumer platforms into one; the Uniregistry domain registrar, and the Domain Name Sales venue for domain sales and parking. The […]

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Domain Name Sales upgrade : Expanding the Search feature for domain inventory

Domain Name Sales has been upgrading its features and tools, ever since opening the domain selling venue to the public in 2012. The DNS team is eager to listen to suggestions, recommendations, and always strives to improve the platform. The latest upgrade that was rolled out involves the Search feature for your own domain portfolio, […]

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It’s captcha time : Uniregistry adds math challenge to contact forms

Looks like Uniregistry is tired of spam offers from spambots, and they are responding in kind. Domains parked at Domain Name Sales with a Contact Form instead of the usual PPC ad page, will now get an improved contact form that contains a captcha. The challenge is mathematical: a pair of additions or subtractions of […]

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Elequa portfolio – Part 4 : Weekend domain sales report with LLL .com emphasis!

We’ve been covering the massive listing of LLL .com domains by Elequa, founder of Future Media Architects and a prolific domain investor. Every single day this past week, LLL .com domains under Elequa’s ownership are being moved to a domain brokerage in China. With random “bad letters” being all the rage thanks to the Pinyin […]

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Top 10 Odd Locations domainers might sell domains via Domain Name Sales

Since its public launch in 2012, Domain Name Sales has made it easy for domain investors to provide quotes and sell their domain names. The use of templated messages provide sellers with extraordinary capabilities to respond in the shortest amount of time. Negotiating and closing domain deals is easy peasy. Thanks, Frank! ๐Ÿ˜€ Here are […]

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Version 3.0 : Domain Name Sales updates domain quote form yet again

Just four days ago we caught a redesigned contact form at Domain Name Sales; the update was an improvement of the quote form that had been in place since the very beginning. The layout of such forms and the amount of info they require, can decide whether a visitor proceeds with providing their contact information. […]

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Responsive design: Uniregistry rolls out new domain inquiry page

Uniregistry has rolled out a new contact form for domains parked at Domain Name Sales. The new design is responsive, which means that it adapts to the width of the device it’s displayed on. It’s also visually far more pleasant, separating the three fields – name, email and phone number – that must be submitted […]

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