The Splinternet: Dave Lahoti’s TikTok going crazy with domain wannabes!

Domain investor and entrepreneur, David Lahoti, needs no introduction among fellow domainers. The enterprising founder of UDRPsearch and SyncPoint Inc. has both a serious and a fun side. Winning multiple UDRP cases is the serious side, so now meet Dave’s fun side via his TikTok channel that is gaining popularity among domain wannabes. How does […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Crazy PPC monetization as the matching AI .com domain

If you haven’t heard of ChatGPT, here’s a synopsis: It’s an AI-driven chatbot able to engage in meaningful, conversational exchanges. It can also create content that reads remarkably human-like. Rising in popularity, the ChatGPT service is currently free and available via The operating company, OpenAI, provides the entertaining service free of charge, for now, […]

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Rest in peace, Alexa was founded as an independent company in 1996 and acquired by Amazon in 1999 for $250 million dollars in stock. At its peak, Alexa provided web traffic data, global rankings, and other information for more than 30 million websites. More than 400 million people visited every month. Amazon announced […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Don’t make this $2,500 dollar mistake!

How would you like to waste $2,500 dollars in one pixel pushing move? In the US, you cannot drive along the highway without seeing domain names appear on billboards. It’s a rough estimate, but we believe that 90% of all billboards provide a link to a web site. Our friend Dale drove down from Chicago […]

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Sedo: Chinese #domain traffic dropping while Iranian is increasing

The ongoing decline of domain traffic from China has baffled some domain investors that park their portfolios at Sedo. During the past 30 days, the drop in Chinese domain traffic has increased – leading to zero traffic from China for some investors. What used to be a live metric indicating interest originating from China, presumably […]

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Six months later : SEO benefits of using #hashtags in #domain related posts

In late November 2017, DomainGang decided to embark on an SEO experiment: using hashtags in the post headlines. Six months have passed since, and we have some interesting results to share. But first, some background information on the use of hashtags. By adding the hashtag symbol (#) before specific, article-related keywords, we add emphasis and […]

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Bad economy? All email spam Legal by 2014

The Obama administration is looking into new, unexplored options in order to rejuvenate the current state of bad economy. Not content with keeping the US military employed for at least 2 more years by assaulting Libya, the US Government is now switching focus to another form of unwanted bombing: Spam. Long considered to be a […]

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