“The Cam Dude” won the UDRP filed against the domain TheCamDude.com

Mav Media LLC filed a UDRP to get the domain TheCamDude.com from its registrant, who operates a resource about adult cam sites. Despite having achieved a recent victory against the domain CamDude.com, the Complainant lost this case, as the Respondent responded and represented themselves. They are listed simply by their initials, “F.A” in this UDRP. […]

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Stainless company tried to get inless.com via the UDRP process—what happened

An Indian company by the name Jindal Stainless Limited attempted to get the domain inless.com via the UDRP process. Registered in 2006 and listed for sale for $9,999 dollars, inless.com appears to be a substring of the company’s brand. The Complainant alleged that wildcarding the domain such as “jindalsta.inless.com” equals to typo-squatting. This is some […]

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Mercury.cash: Domain UDRP unveils drama behind cryptocurrency corp

Mercury Cash is a global cash and crypto management solution designed for fortune 500 companies. The company operated from the domain Mercury.cash, until the Estonia-based COO of the company pulled the plug on the domain. The company moved to the domain MercuryCash.us and filed a UDRP, noting that their mark for MERCURY CASH was registered […]

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CleanGarage.com: Twenty year old domain lost via the UDRP process

The domain CleanGarage.com was registered in 2002 and it sounds generic enough for its registrant to seek $25,000 dollars for it. Alas, a company that registered the mark THE CLEAN GARAGE usurped the aged domain via the UDRP process. The sole panelist at the Forum (NAF) pointed out that the asking price / cost delta […]

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RemoteOK.com: “Squatter” wanted $250,000 before settling for half as much

The founder of RemoteOK.com, an online repository of “digital nomad” jobs, complained on Twitter about having to pay to acquire the domain. Referring to the domain’s seller as a “squatter,” the enterprising founder of RemoteOK revealed how much he paid for the domain and the privilege of upgrading from the .IO: After 6 years of […]

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ASDFLKJ.com #domain aspires to get trademark registration

Typing random keys on your keyboard? Chances are that your left hands begins typing on the middle row, ending up with ASDF at a minimum. Type some more in reverse order with your right hand and you’ll get ASDFLKJ for the full effect. The registrant of the domain ASDFLKJ.com intends to use it in internet […]

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CQD.com #domain drama continues : Previous owner claims #domain was stolen

Rebecca J. Burns, previous owner of the domain CQD.com and founder of ComQuest Designs, has come forward in social media, claiming that her domain was stolen. A few days ago, we were informed that CQD.com was taken away from domain investor, James Booth, who said he paid $26,000 dollars to acquire it. The story so […]

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Aged #domain lost in auction, case involves K-Systems and #GoDaddy

A bizarre situation involving a 1999 domain, LoansCanada.com, is unfolding over at DNForum. The owner of the domain, paid for its renewal via PayPal, and the domain registrar, K-Systems, initially claimed that the domain was “deleted.” LoansCanada.com did not drop, however, and current information shows that it was auctioned off at GoDaddy and was acquired […]

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Plated : From a $9.99 domain at GoDaddy, to a $300 million acquisition by Albertsons

Plated, operating from Plated.com, sends its customers the necessary ingredients to cook their own meals. This is what a “meal kit service” is all about. Instead of shipping pre-made, soggy food, Plated took the novel approach when it was founded in 2012. Its main competitor, Blue Apron, operates around the same principles. There is a […]

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Kiwi man wastes good lunch money on Covfefe.co.nz domain

A man from New Zealand tossed a perfect lunch into the garbage, after deciding to register the domain Covfefe.co.nz instead. Auckland meme-lover, Samuel Chatwin, skipped lunch after a Donald Trump tweet about “Covfefe” went viral. “Spending $22.99 to get this piece of junk domain was a non-brainer,” said Samuel Chatwin. “Me and my friends could […]

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Twitter closes “video loop” service Vine down

Twitter is closing down its Vine video loop service, which it acquired in 2012 for $30 million dollars. The sudden announcement shares the sad news of how one of the top 10 social media sites will be closing down – but not today: “Since 2013, millions of people have turned to Vine to laugh at […]

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Oracle Corporation grabs Oracl.com domain via UDRP

The domain Oracl.com was registered in 1998, and it has just now been ordered into the lap of Oracle International Corporation, Complainant in a UDRP. Despite claims that they owned the domain for 18 years, a panelist at the National Arbitration Forum stated that ownership is “unverifiable.” On top of that, findings of use for […]

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